Saturday, 4 February 2012

I am still a Cha-i-el-d

Hey guys! sorry for the late post. I forgot about it yesterday until I checked twitter. lol

I loved my childhood! If I could change anything during my childhood, I wouldn't change a thing! Granted there were times where I didn't feel my best, but I guess things along the way made me learn too. :) There are so many things to talk about, so many crazy things I did. I never really bothered about studying, I just did whatever I wanted. Even when my mum or teachers would nag me I wouldn't study lol. Even tuition didn't work because I never did any homework, so all that was taught that day was given back including a fee for the tuition teacher. I was like giving money away to people to talk. :) Call me a bad Asian, but hey, my childhood rocked!

One of my favourite childhood memories was in the bus with my Mum, and she was teaching me how to read when I was 7 because my english was really bad and I got myself into some english proficiency class in school and didn't like it. But I remember reading out for her in the bus, and she'll read once again, and I'll repeat it again.

Another one was when I was 9 or 10. My Best friend and I went to the top level of the school and climbed over the tall gate that lead access to the roof of the main assembly building. We would spend the whole recess there surveying the area, looking down at the students, playing detective. There wasn't much to do there though. We just loved the trill of it. Sometimes I would go there myself when I was alone, mostly to read or just to feel free.

When I was 12 I had this really epic water bomb war with my friends on the roof of the car park, as we filled the water bags with the free water that was supplied by the car park. We were throwing water everywhere! everywhereeee....
Then the cops came. LOL. Someone from a condo across us made a complaint. heh. We were scared to shit then, since we were kids and cops were all evil.
But now looking back, I feel a sense of accomplishment. Hell yeah.

That's all folks! Hope your weeks as smooth and 'lepak' (even though I have alot of project work) as mine. :)



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