Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia- Fear of long words.
Can you imagine having that phobia and IM-ing with someone who keeps using long words?
YOU: please don't use long words
THEM: why not?
YOU: because I have hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia.
Hahaha. Oh my God, never mind.
Anyway, onto the topic. I think I'll be 19-21. I'm able to make mature decisions yet I still haven't matured past to the point where I won't laugh at any sexual innuendo. Like on a maturity scale of 1-100, I'm probably at 69. ;)
I listen to bands like All Time Low, Mayday Parade, The Maine, WATIC.. But my all time favourite song is Goo Goo Dolls' Iris. I don't read biographies except for Steve Jobs'. I enjoy thought provoking movies with humour. I'm not into the whole magical love/relationship thing (I've outgrown that phase, thank God). I'm, a bit of a realist, I don't really believe unless I've seen enough proof that it exist/is true. I don't mindlessly follow something just because everyone else is doing it. I'm not really sure what constitutes as mature but I guess 19-21 is a pretty good place.
So yeah, I'm pretty mature. I never stick my tongue out at my enemies anymore or tell them they're not allowed to walk past where I live like I used to do whenever someone's being a meanie to me. Haha. No, really. I'm made mistakes but I've also made decisions I'm pretty proud of. I care about what other people would think whenever I do something. I think people who keep saying they don't care what everyone thinks are either fucking assholes or liars.
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