Wednesday 28 March 2012

16 minutes on the clock.


I am turning 19 years old this year. If I didn't know how old I was, I think I'd still be 19. I am mature enough to think like an adult, but young enough to act like a kid. 

Despite how I act with good friends, I'd like to think that I am pretty mature. I can handle myself pretty well in formal/business situations, I manage to come up with ideas for situation that are pretty reasonable and long-lasting. I may not show it, but I really do think that I am rather mature, even more so for my age. Ohmygoodness, I sound like a pretentious prick.

I am aware that I'm still fairly immature though. I still laugh at poop and that's-what-she-said jokes, and I would much rather watch Spongebob Squarepants than Titanic. I'm not sure if that's what constitutes as immature, but it sure doesn't constitue being mature.

So yeah. I am 19, and I think I'd still be 19 if I didn't know how old I was. The youngest, maybe 16. Oldest, 20. I am physically old, but mentally young, and actively young, but thoughtfully old. Interesting.

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